
As a ¹ú²ú¾«Æ· Canberra donor, you have the power to make a lasting impact on the global community and drive positive change.

For more than half a century, we’ve been developing global leaders and sharing our ground-breaking research with the world. We partner with local and international communities in research, government and industry to find real solutions to the world’s most complex problems.

Our giving priorities

One of the most significant ways in which you can make a difference as a donor is by supporting our major research priorities. Find out about our latest work.

Explore the different ways you can support the good work being done at ¹ú²ú¾«Æ· – as a business, family or individual.

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We’re on the brink of achieving some remarkable things that will change the course of history. Help us stay at the forefront of research, making the world a better place.

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